Canvas Envision: Perspective and Confessions of a Recovering Plant Manager

Canvas Envision: Perspective and Confessions of a Recovering Plant Manager

I’m writing this blog as a former plant manager for an automotive supplier.  I spent 30 years in the auto industry with my last 5 years running a manufacturing facility in Mexico.  As I’m sure you are all aware, product quality is NOT an option in the auto industry.  It is a must.  Suppliers are on the hook for years after their products are shipped to the OEM.  

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Discover the CM2 Difference in PLM with IpX and vdR

Discover the CM2 Difference in PLM with IpX and vdR

vdR Group is thrilled to be participating in the International CM2 Congress, hosted by our partner, IpX. The multiple one-hour sessions explore the seamless integration of CM2 best practices across leading PLM platforms including Aras Innovator. Ben Desmarais, Senior Manager of Aras Services at the vdR Group, will be guiding the the demo portions of these session.

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Why Integrate Aras Innovator with your ERP Platform?

Why Integrate Aras Innovator with your ERP Platform?

 The applications shown include Product Data Management (PDM), Computer Aided Design (CAD), Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES), and Maintenance Repair and Operations (MRO), among others.  As a PLM platform, Aras Innovator occupies a central role in the product lifecycle…

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Aras Innovator Integration with Microsoft SharePoint

Aras Innovator Integration with Microsoft SharePoint

 Manufacturers are constantly striving to reduce the “Cost of Quality” (CoQ) associated with the design and manufacturing of their products. This cost is reflected in the expenses of redesigning existing parts, scrap and rework, expedited shipping, warranties, and even the company’s reputation. According to analysts and industry groups, these expenses can represent profit leakage from 3 to 10 percent of a company’s annual revenues.

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How Does an Integration Between OpenBOM and ERP Work? Part 2 of a 3 Part Blog Series

How Does an Integration Between OpenBOM and ERP Work? Part 2 of a 3 Part Blog Series

Hence, the part/BOM release is easily the most common use case for an integration.  What may have taken hours and/or days is now literally executed in seconds.  When a user “digitally releases” a structure from OpenBOM, the event is almost instant. 

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Enterprise Search for Manufacturers - Webinar with vdR and Sinequa

Enterprise Search for Manufacturers - Webinar with vdR and Sinequa

Every company is a technology (and information) company now, and the Digital Thread brings all your data, insights, designs, and processes into one location to find the connections that the raw data would have otherwise hidden. A true digital thread provides the means that future-thinking organizations need to succeed in a world where work will never be the same.

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Integrating OpenBOM with Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Solutions Part 1 of a 3 Part Blog Series

Integrating OpenBOM with Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Solutions Part 1 of a 3 Part Blog Series

Why integrate OpenBOM and ERP? What would such an integration do? And how is it implemented? These questions will be the focus of a three (3) blog series.

So let’s kick it off with the first blog and a short (re)visit to the popular theme of the “digital thread.”

Simply put, the idea of the digital thread is to link data that is generated from across the product lifecycle of activities. There is a lot of buzz around this concept. Analysts, software vendors and industry thought leaders all purport its importance and value. Organizations may not use the same phrase, but they want and need improved efficiencies, the ability to streamline processes, automate menial and repetitive tasks, and ultimately improve their performance and competitiveness.

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Highlighted Demo - Better Understand your PLM Data with Graph Navigation

Highlighted Demo - Better Understand your PLM Data with Graph Navigation

Graph Navigation is a platform service introduced in Aras Innovator 11.0 SP15 that allows users to quickly visualize and navigate data structures via a node-edge graph. Since Graph Navigation is a service of the Aras Innovator platform and not a feature of a specific application, users can explore data across all applications. Graph views also obey the permissions and access controls defined for your item data.

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Field Report: Aras Community Event (ACE) 2016

Field Report: Aras Community Event (ACE) 2016

Aras just concluded their annual Aras Community Event (ACE) in Detroit, Michigan.  The two and a half-day event in Motor City was packed with a combination of compelling customer stories, thought leadership, updates/roadmap for the Aras Innovator PLM solution, and practical and relevant implementation insights.  The uptick over last year’s attendance coupled with the addition of 32 new partners from around the globe, reinforces Aras as a disruptive player in the traditional PLM landscape.

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