Announcing a Strategic Partnership: vdR Group and Canvas Join Forces

Next Generation Digital Work Instructions Integrated Directly with Leading PLM Platforms

In the ever-evolving world of manufacturing and operations, few solutions stand out enough to make you pause. Canvas Envision is one such solution—a next-generation digital training and work instruction platform designed specifically for manufacturers and owner/operators. Today, the vdR Group is proud to announce a multifaceted partnership with Canvas, marking a significant step forward in delivering cutting-edge solutions to the industry.

While the market offers various solutions in this space, Canvas Envision distinguishes itself with three key differentiators:

  1. Integration with Original Product Data and 3D CAD Models: Canvas understands that effective support for activities such as inspection, assembly, repair, installation, and operations requires seamless access to original product data and 3D CAD models. This data is typically managed within Product Data Management (PDM) or Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) systems—commonly known as the "system of record."

  2. Interactive Feedback Loop: Envision’s interactive capabilities allow users to capture essential data such as inspection measurements and test results, initiate problem reports, and automatically route this information back to the system of record. This feature enhances workflow efficiency and ensures that critical feedback is integrated into the product lifecycle.

  3. PLM Agnostic: Canvas Envision is designed to be PLM agnostic, offering best-of-breed functionality that can seamlessly integrate with a wide range of PDM/PLM platforms.

“Given the landscape of today’s market, Canvas Envision stands alone with these unique differentiators,” said David van der Roest, Vice President of Partner Relationships at vdR. “We are thrilled to collaborate with Canvas, addressing a significant gap in the market with this powerful solution.”

vdR will leverage its proprietary integration technology, Nexus, to further extend the value of Canvas Envision across leading PDM/PLM solutions. Additionally, vdR will draw on its decades of experience and deep relationships in the manufacturing and owner/operator sectors to introduce Canvas Envision to both existing and new clients.

“vdR is a truly unique partner, bringing together deep domain expertise, cutting-edge technology, and shared values,” said Pat Hume, President and CEO of Canvas. “We’re excited to launch this ‘1 + 1 = 3’ partnership and bring our combined strengths to the market.”

The first integration, targeting Autodesk Vault, is slated for release in Q4 2024.